These are a few of my favorite things.........

'Raindrops on roses and Whiskers on kittens,
bright copper kettles and warm woollen mittens,
brown paper packages tied up in string....
These are a few of my favorite things'
-The Sound of Music

Coincidentally Lyrics of one of my favorite movies.....The Sound of Music....what a movie... with every song better than the other...watched it countless times...And wouldn't mind watching it again... ..Another amazing classic is Mary Poppins.....beautifully picturized and scripted...songs that you'll never forget...Julie Andrews, magnificent actress and singer...she made these movies what they are...If u haven't watched these,its about high time you do...and while you're at it, I suggest 'My Fair Lady' and 'Ben Hur' as well....

Movies make me hungry
I just wanna enjoy a large sumptuous meal without counting the calories and feeling guilty.....Middle Eastern,Chinese and Konkan Coastal Cuisine.....Can sink my teeth into one of these anytime anywhere.... Yum yum...And to top it off with some caramel custard and ice cream.....that reminds me.... there's a whole tub of strawberry cheesecake ice cream in the freezer....Strawberry Cheesecake and Ice cream.... I know ...match made in heaven.........So Tata... Enjoy the pictures below while I head straight to the freezer..{wink wink}.....:-)

                                                    Au Revoir..until we meet again...


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